Saturday, January 26, 2008

Hurricanes and Water Sanitation

The flood waters that wreak havoc on your home when rivers run over their banks or when hurricanes come calling can contain almost anything that you can think of (and some things you can’t) that can be harmful to your health and the health of any pets you may have living with you. If you are unfamiliar with how to prepare for a hurricane, then you may want to do a little research into just what you need to do before the storm hits, especially if you do not plan on leaving your home during that time.

The most important thing that you can have during a hurricane or any other disaster is clean water to drink. You will absolutely not be able to trust the water that comes out of your faucet during the storm, because the local water supply may have been contaminated by sea water, sewage, leaves, sticks, or almost anything else that the wind and water can carry with it. One easy way to get the clean water that you will need for a hurricane is to collect it in milk jugs that you have saved and cleaned out. This is a good alternative to buying a lot of bottled water at the store, especially since it may not be available in the quantity you need by the time you get there.

Purifying water after the storm has already started and you have run out of the supply that you had saved up is not too difficult. If you can get water out of your faucet, you can boil it for at least 10 minutes to get drinking water. If the electricity is off, though, you may not be able to boil anything and you may have to result to water purification tablets, which can be purchased at most outdoor supply stores. Hikers and campers take these with them often, especially when going into the wilderness to camp and not staying at a camp area near town.

The water damage to your home may be very little or extensive, depending on how close to the flooded area of town you are. Your windows should have been boarded up to help prevent the panes from being broken by the wind and as many parts of your home waterproofed so water cannot get inside as possible. If the area outside your home is flooded, do not let children or pets get in these waters, since they are likely contaminated.