Friday, January 25, 2008

House Fire Preparation

A lot of people think a house fire cannot happen to them, but the fact is that house fires happen a lot more often than most people think, since a large number of fires go unreported. A simple spark is all it takes to set a room or the whole house ablaze and you lose not only everything you own, but also your loved ones.

Have fire extinguishers placed in different areas of the home, especially in the kitchen. My personal advice would be to have at least one on each end of the house and at least two on each floor, depending on the size of your home. Have as many as you feel comfortable with. Having smoke detectors in different areas of the house is also advised and you should have one on each end of the home so all your bases are covered. Make sure that the fire extinguishers that you purchase cover all kinds of fires, including wood, electrical, and chemical types. Everyone in your house should be taught how to use them correctly.

If you have other people living with you in a house, you need to have a plan. If the house catches on fire, every person should have a quick way out. The last thing you want is to be upstairs with no way to get downstairs because the fire is in the way. You need to make sure there is a way out by having some escape ladders on the upper floors on your home. If you can afford to have a fire escape installed without it clashing too much with the style of the home, do so.

Have a pre-determined meeting spot outside the home during the event of a fire. This could be under a certain tree or a certain area of the yard or just anywhere that your family members know how to get to quickly.

Keep anything outside your home that could fuel the fire away from it; this includes fire wood, dry leaves, and other flammable items. If a wood is being sawed in the basement or around the house for any reason, make sure you keep it cleaned up.

A fireproof safe is also one of the most important investments you could ever make. Use this to keep your valuables and important documents in so the fire will not affect them.

You could also benefit by doing a casual safety inspection of your home often. Make sure the lint is cleaned from the dryer, never smoke cigarettes or cigars while in the bed, be careful what you use extension cords for, and etcetera.

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