Saturday, January 26, 2008

Wet Basements and Mold

Those of us who have basements in our homes see it as either a curse or a blessing, depending on the condition of it. You can leave the drywall and carpet out of the basement and use it for storage like many homeowners do or you can put it in and use it for an extra bedroom, family room, or an area to entertain guests. The bad thing about using the basement sometimes, though, is that if it is not properly waterproofed, you can have some moisture and humidity issues to deal with later on if you are not dealing with them already. No one wants to stay in a humid, smelly basement for long and this will turn off any guests that you might want to have over in that area.

Take care of any indoor water issues first. This can include bursting water pipes, hot water heater (that really should be in the basement and nowhere else) or if you use a portion of the basement as a laundry room, it can be a malfunctioning clothes washer. Make sure that your dryer has a vent so that the excess humidity will be directed to the outside of the house. It is also a good idea to never hang clothes up to dry in the basement, unless it is just a single article or two. Water evaporates from the clothing and settles into the air, creating humidity. Clothes should also be dried in the electric dryer as soon as they are done washing to help reduce this problem.

Another thing you should do, especially if you use the basement for a laundry room or if you have an extra bathroom in it, is install an exhaust vent. You can do this in more than one spot if you need to, depending on the size of your basement. This will displace some of the humidity to the outside of the house and not allow it to be soaked up by the ceiling.

Another thing to worry about when you have a humid basement is mold. Mold loves to grow on any dead organic material and once it starts growing, you will be hard pressed to get rid of it without removing the source of the water first. If you have water issues in the basement, make sure these are taken care of before putting any carpet down, since carpet that becomes molded is hard to clean and any padding underneath it that becomes contaminated will have to be torn up and thrown away.

Dror Klar is a writer and promoter of
Queens Water Removal
Elizabeth NJ Wet Basement Flooding Emergency Service Which are Certified IICRC Water damage and mold remediation contractors.

Not All Molds Are Dangerous

No one wants to find mold in their home, but sometimes finding it is the first of our worries. There are a lot of questions that need to be asked after that and most of the time, when a person goes looking for mold in their home, they do not realize this. The questions have to do with what kind of mold it is, what caused it, how to get rid of it, how long it will take, and how much it will cost. This is a lot of headache to deal with, as you can imagine, and while you are dealing with it, the company that you hire to get rid of the mold problem may try to take you for a ride.

What is meant by this? Well, the mold problem that you discover might not be that big of an issue, after all. Cosmetic molds like Ceratocystis can grow in homes and not be a threat to you or the structure of your home at all and yet, some dishonest mold remediation companies will try to convince you that you need a full scale removal done and that this mold is dangerous. This is unfortunate and people get scammed out of thousands of dollars because they simply do not know that cosmetic molds exist.

Ceratocystis is a mold that is a blue-ish color and it will appear on the wooden components of your home and sometimes will even be built into the home itself. This is not a good thing, but it is not enough of a bad thing that you need to worry extensively about how you are going to get rid of it. It will not do any damage to the wood over time and it is not going to harm your health, so why worry?

The only real drawback of this mold in your house is that it is unsightly if it appears in a visible area of your home. If it is outside, you can remove it with sandblasting or pressure washing, but these methods are not recommended for indoors, since they can be pretty messy. You can wash it off indoor surfaces with a scrub brush and a mixture of water and borax detergent. After you finish this, you should remove the water or humidity problem in the area that the mold was found in, if you can, to help slow its return.

Mold, Water Damage, and Condos

If you have just moved into your first home, you may not realize just how much work and effort it takes to keep up a house, even if it only has one bedroom in it. People who live in condominiums and have homeowner’s association fees do not generally have to deal with the maintenance of the building’s structure, but those who have houses are responsible for the entire thing from the ground up. Living in a condo can have its benefits and its downfalls, but if you do not want to have to take care of the structure of the building (if it is an apartment-style complex), then having one of these instead of a house may be for you.

If you are considering renovating a condominium inside a larger apartment-style complex, then you should realize that there are things that you can do and things that you cannot. For instance, replacing the tub and tile in the bathroom is acceptable, but moving the plumbing around to suit your new design is probably not. Structural changes to the inside of a condo are generally something that you need to have approved first. Changing the location of a light in the room also should be inquired about, since this will involve having electrical work done.

Mold growth and water damage in the condominium, though, will be your responsibility. Everything inside the walls of the condo belongs to you and you can do as you wish with most of it, but any mold growth and water damage that occurs inside it will also be your responsibility, especially if it is your fault that it is there. If you have allowed the bath tub to overflow or the dishwasher malfunctions, then that would make it your responsibility to have the problem fixed. If it is due to bad plumbing in the complex, though, you may have a claim.

The condo that you are purchasing should come with exhaust fans in the kitchen and bathroom and if it does not, look around for a window in both these areas. The kitchen and bathroom are areas that are prone to mold growth and water damage if the humidity stays too high. As with any home, you do not want to have appliances that use a lot of water and malfunction on a regular basis. You will be better off purchasing new ones in the long run.

The exception of mold growth being your responsibility is only if the mold spread into your condo from another part of the building. If the entire complex has a problem, then you are not liable. Have a clause on mold inserted into your purchase agreement to protect yourself from mold damage that already exists in the condo.

Mold Problems in Condos

Purchasing a condominium may be a good option for people who do not wish to be responsible for taking care of the structure of their home; this means that the electrical, plumbing, and general maintenance of the property would be the responsibility of the condominium’s management, not yours. It may depend on your individual agreement to purchase a condo on the property, though.

To protect yourself from being liable for mold damage that may already exist in the condo before you purchase it, you should have a clause addressing that issue inserted into the purchase agreement. This means that if mold spreads to your property from someone else’s or if the toilet overflows in the condo above yours, then the management will take care of any repairs that will need to be done. Before purchasing a condominium, you should always take good care to read all of the paperwork and make sure that you are comfortable with everything included in it. If something makes you uncomfortable or seems unreasonable, you may want to consider purchasing one from somewhere else.

If you discover a mold problem in your condo and it is due to no fault of your own, having it taken care of can be difficult, depending on the honesty and response of your complex’s board. The first thing that you need to do is start a paper trail of complaints and requests that the problem be taken care of. Never do this verbally, because this will not hold up in a court of law. You need written proof of when you complained and sometimes this is best done by sending a certified letter, so you know that the intended party received it.

The next thing that you need to have is hard proof that there is a problem. Hiring a mold inspector to look at the condo and do a report on it first is something that you will need to have if you want to prove that there is an issue with the property that needs to be taken care of. The unfortunate burden of proof is on you, since it is not the responsibility of the complex to prove that there is not a problem.

Small mold issues can be taken care of by you at not much expense and this is often better than trying to get the condominium board to do it for you. Inform them that there is an issue, though, if the mold returns after you cleaned it up. The source of moisture needs to be removed.

Remember, mold problems that originate inside the unit are your responsibility, but if the mold or source of moisture comes from outside your unit, it is their responsibility to have it taken care of.

Mold on Wood Paneling

For some people, the threat that is feared the most is the threat that they cannot see. This is understandable, since if you can see your threat, you can assess how you can best deal with it. Something that tends to be a threat to the health of the people in your home is mold growth and if you have this in your home, you may or may not realize it. Sometimes mold is hidden inside the walls, ceiling, or floor, and we will not know without having a mold inspector come to the house and do some testing.

You can do an inspection of your home for visible mold growth, though, fairly easily. Sometimes you will run across a splotchy patch of drywall in your bathroom or other moist room in your home and you will instantly be able to identify that there is a mold problem in the house. Other times, finding the mold will not be this easy, because the mold is simply invisible. At least, when you look at it the wrong way. Finding mold takes a little detective work sometimes and this is best done with a flashlight.

If your home has wooden paneling anywhere inside it and you have a problem with mold in one area of the house, turn the light off in the room with the paneling and shine the flashlight along the surface of the wood. This will give the mold a little bit of depth and it will show up much better than if you shine the light directly onto the surface at a 90 degree angle. These molds usually belong in the genii Aspergillus or Penicillium and are very easily overlooked if you do not use this flashlight method.

You can clean the mold off the wood paneling with chemicals that are advertised as being able to kill mold, but you may want to be careful just what you put on the surface if it is real wood and not imitation of any kind, especially if you plan on keeping it as a part of your home. If the growth returns after a few days or weeks, though, you may want to consider removing it completely, since the growth may be embedded into it.

The reason for wood paneling in some homes is that they have been flooded and the previous owner could not afford to put drywall back in the damaged areas. If you can afford to remove wood paneling that has no drywall behind it, you really should do this. Replace the paneling with paperless drywall, since mold has a harder time growing on these slabs of drywall than others.

Hurricanes and Water Sanitation

The flood waters that wreak havoc on your home when rivers run over their banks or when hurricanes come calling can contain almost anything that you can think of (and some things you can’t) that can be harmful to your health and the health of any pets you may have living with you. If you are unfamiliar with how to prepare for a hurricane, then you may want to do a little research into just what you need to do before the storm hits, especially if you do not plan on leaving your home during that time.

The most important thing that you can have during a hurricane or any other disaster is clean water to drink. You will absolutely not be able to trust the water that comes out of your faucet during the storm, because the local water supply may have been contaminated by sea water, sewage, leaves, sticks, or almost anything else that the wind and water can carry with it. One easy way to get the clean water that you will need for a hurricane is to collect it in milk jugs that you have saved and cleaned out. This is a good alternative to buying a lot of bottled water at the store, especially since it may not be available in the quantity you need by the time you get there.

Purifying water after the storm has already started and you have run out of the supply that you had saved up is not too difficult. If you can get water out of your faucet, you can boil it for at least 10 minutes to get drinking water. If the electricity is off, though, you may not be able to boil anything and you may have to result to water purification tablets, which can be purchased at most outdoor supply stores. Hikers and campers take these with them often, especially when going into the wilderness to camp and not staying at a camp area near town.

The water damage to your home may be very little or extensive, depending on how close to the flooded area of town you are. Your windows should have been boarded up to help prevent the panes from being broken by the wind and as many parts of your home waterproofed so water cannot get inside as possible. If the area outside your home is flooded, do not let children or pets get in these waters, since they are likely contaminated.

Getting Rid of Basement Moisture

Not all homes have basements, but for those of us who do have them, they can either be a blessing or a curse. You can use this area of your house for many different things, including an extra bedroom, a family room, entertainment area, laundry room, and just about anything else you can think of. If the basement is humid or has an odor, though, you will want to spend as little time as possible there and you will lose all of your basement’s potential.

Basement humidity problems can come from a variety of sources. It can come from keeping wet clothing in the washer too long on a regular basis, having the clothes dryer improperly vented to the outside of the house or just not vented at all, from water leaks inside the house, or from water leaking in from the outside.

If the problem is an indoor one, you can consider installing a dehumidifier in the basement to help alleviate some of the problem. Having energy efficient windows can also help with reducing humidity and so can installing an exhaust fan in the ceiling to help push some of the moist air outside the house. If you are going to install an exhaust fan, though, be sure to pick one that is appropriate for the size basement that you have. It should even be a little stronger, if you can afford it. Using the minimum is often not recommended and problems with new home constructions are often due to the builder using cheap (but building code approved) products.

Fixing leaks in the concrete walls of your basement used to be time consuming and expensive, but most cracks in concrete walls can now be fixed with an injection of concrete by using a normal caulking gun that you can purchase from a hardware store. You should be able to do this yourself without much difficulty, but if you doubt your ability, find someone who has experience with these things.

If water is coming in the basement from outside the house or through the windows, consider having the window wells replaced and the soil around the home piled up a little higher so water does not settle around the foundation and form a puddle. This is usually the cause of water seeping into the basement from the outside, but another problem could be ground water. You have a little less control over ground water, but you can install a drainage system to help with this, too.

Condo Ownership, Mold Issues, and More

Owning a condo is a good alternative to owning a house if you do not want to have to keep up with a lot of things that would normally come along with owning a house. Some condominiums do not have yards to take care of and this is convenient for those of us who do not enjoy outside work very much. You will, however, most likely have to pay homeowner’s association fees every month to pay for the upkeep of the property. These fees generally cover plumbing issues, problems with the roof, keeping common areas like pools, gyms, and spas clean. Even though you may not use these areas, you will still have to pay the fees to cover keeping them clean every month.

Issues like mold and water damage that come into your unit from outside its walls (for example, from a neighboring unit or the shell of the building itself) will be taken care of by the condo association and your monthly HOA fees should cover this. If water leaks down from the unit above you and causes mold growth, you are not responsible for cleaning it up most of the time. If you find a mold problem in your unit and you are certain that it is not your fault, you should notify your condo association as soon as possible. It is usually best to do this with a certified letter, so you are absolutely certain that they received your request for assistance. Do not complain verbally, because if you end up having to go to court, a verbal claim will not hold up. You need to create a paper trail of evidence that there is a problem and that you have complained about it. Some states require that problems like this be resolved in a timely manner, so take advantage of this if you live in one of them.

Condos are also governed by a collection of rules that are called “Covenants, Conditions, and Restrictions. This means that there are rules regarding how many people will be living in the unit, whether pets are allowed, what kind of renovations you can do, and sometimes even down to what kind of curtains you want to put up. Most condominiums want the look of the community to remain consistent.

Renting out your unit may also be subject to the approval of the condo association. If they do not like the tenant you choose to rent the condo to, they may not let you do it.

What You Need When Removing Mold

Nobody wants to have to remove the mold from their home, but if you live in an older house, then you may have to go through this eventually. Even newly built homes can have mold growing in them in certain areas if bad techniques were used or just poor quality materials. As long as the building codes in your area were followed by the contractor of your new house, there is nothing that you can do, even if the poor quality materials are the reason that mold exists. If the job was done “by the book”, then you cannot obtain any legal compensation. When having a home built for you, make sure you know that the contractor you hired to do it will do the job with good quality building materials and get references before even letting them start.

But, what do you do if you already have mold in the house? Well, you can probably clean up a lot of it yourself if you have a smaller mold problem. If you have experience in interior remodeling work, then you can tackle even a larger scale mold removal project on your own. Your insurance may even cover it, if it is due to another kind of damage that your homeowner’s insurance covers, like water leaks.

There is a certain amount of equipment that you will need if you are going to do this job on your own, though. Having a respirator is something that you will really need, especially if you are going to open up any walls. You can get a basic respirator from a hardware store, but if you are going to open up any walls, you will probably want a respirator that has a HEPA filter attached to it.

You will also want a few heavy duty trash bags to toss the debris in.

As far as some protective equipment that you can wear, heavy duty rubber gloves might also be helpful depending on what you are handling. If you are just scrubbing floors or walls, then you could probably get away with some lighter latex gloves. Some plastic disposable coveralls and covers for your shoes will help keep mold spores from getting on your clothes. Safety glasses might also be necessary.

As with your respirator, the cleanup job after all the debris is gone should be done with a vacuum that has a HEPA filter on it. This will release clean, filtered air back into your home instead of releasing the dust and mold spores like a normal vacuum would.

Water Loves Your Deck, Too

Barbequing and swimming in the pool in the backyard is a staple at many private homes across the country that are lucky enough to have both and anyone who has both those items is likely to want a hardwood deck built onto the back of the house for just this purpose. They look very nice and most homeowners will brag for weeks or even years about how much they love their deck and for good reason. Taking care of the deck either on the front of the house or the back is not too difficult, but if you neglect to do this, then you could be dealing with some serious damage later on down the road.

Waterproofing the deck attached to your home is very important if you do not want to have to replace parts of it later. Water does much more damage to wooden items left out in the elements than we might realize and it is important to make sure that as soon as possible after your deck is built (wait at least 30 days after construction), it gets waterproofed. You can do this or you can hire someone else to do it for you, depending on whether time or money is the most important factor. You may not have the time to do it or you may not have the money, but if you want to keep your deck looking good, you will have to sacrifice one or the other.

Applying a stain to the deck should be done before waterproofing, because the sealant that you put on it will not only repel rain, but also other liquids. Allow the stain to set the appropriate amount of time before applying the sealant.

Sealants for decks can be purchased at most hardware, home improvement, or department stores and applying them is a cinch. You do need to make sure that the whole deck gets cleaned first with a deck cleaner that you can also purchase at one of these places. This will be applied with a pump sprayer and allowed to foam up before you scrub it with a stiff bristled brush. Rinse it with a hose when you are done.

All furniture should be removed before you put the sealant on. For safety, you may want to sand down any sharp edges or splinters that may be sticking up, if you are doing this to an older deck that already shows signs of wear.

The sealant should be applied with a sprayer or a roller, depending on what the instructions call for. After you apply it to the deck, you need to wait at least a few days before walking on it so the seal is not damaged.

Taking Care of Your Water Pipes

Living in your first home can be an exhilarating experience, but when the winter gets to your area, you may forget about some things that you can do to keep your water pipes from bursting. In fact, you may not think of this at all, since you are probably not used to maintaining a home that belongs to you. Your home is an investment and you should take care of it as much as you can, since you may want to sell it later in exchange for another. Your parents probably insulated the pipes in your home when you were younger, but you probably did not really get the significance of this at the time.

When it gets colder than 20 degrees outside, the water pipes that are exposed to these temperatures are likely to freeze and burst. If you are not home at the time, like off on vacation for Christmas or another holiday, this can wreak havoc on your water bill if you do not get home and fix the problem soon and it can also cause a significant amount of water damage to your home in the process.

Any pipes that will be exposed to this weather that you can get to should be insulated in some way. You can do this by wrapping them in cloth or preferably a construction grade of insulation. A good amount of cloth will help in a pinch, though.

Inside your home, the pipes underneath the different sinks in the house can be kept warm by opening the cabinets so the heat in the house can get to them. Keeping a space heater near exposed pipes in your basement could also be a good idea, but use extreme caution when using space heaters, since they can catch on fire. You can use an extension cord with a space heater, but it needs to be a pretty heavy duty one and most homes do not keep extension cords as heavy duty as the kind needed around often. Place space heaters in your home very carefully and if possible, do not use them on carpeted surfaces.

You can also leave a trickle of water running out of the faucets when the temperatures outside get this low. It might add a little bit to the water bill, but it is only necessary to do this when the temperature gets below freezing, especially at night.

Taking Care of Your Sewage Damaged Home

One of the nastiest things you may ever have to do to your home is clean up the sewage left behind by a flood. You can have a professional cleaning service do this for you, but you should really be able to do this on your own unless for some reason you are physically unable or you get sick very easily. The money that you will save by doing it yourself will be substantial and this is money that you can use to purchase new clothing, furniture, or anything else you may need in the days, weeks, and months following the flood. Having the right information to help you with this is crucial, though.

The worst thing about this is that flood waters are usually contaminated with bacteria, viruses, hazardous chemicals, and sometimes even decaying bodies. Wearing protective equipment while you are in this process is essential to keep yourself from getting sick, so purchase whatever you need to. Latex gloves, disposable coveralls, and disposable foot covers are necessary. You do not want to wear porous clothing while you are doing this, because it will soak right through to your skin. A roll of duct tape should also be bought to seal up the gaps around your ankles and wrists.

Depending on whether you have someone else helping you take care of the other sewage damaged areas of the house, you will need two or more buckets. You need to keep this at an even number, because one will be used as a rinse bucket and the other will have the cleaning solution in it.

Unfortunately, you will probably not be able to save most of the upholstered furniture in your home because the padding will soak up so much of the soil, sewage, and bacteria. You can save items with small amounts of padding that can be replaced, like dining room chairs, and even take this as an opportunity to put a new pattern of fabric on them. Carpets will also probably need to be thrown away and the padding underneath them certainly will be.

Once the padding and carpet has been taken up if it was necessary in the area you are in, you should have a mop or some other cleaning utensil to use. Dip it into the cleaning solution and begin scrubbing the floor with it. Rinse it in the other bucket thoroughly before putting it back into the cleaning bucket. Do not contaminate your bucket filled with cleaner. After you get done scrubbing the whole room, you should go back over it with a disinfectant for a little extra assurance.

Keeping a Clean Fridge

The refrigerator is an appliance that most people make use of at least once a day, whether it is for breakfast, lunch, dinner, or just a snack. It is in the central room of the house, since the kitchen is the room that the family tends to gather in the most and we tend to realize that this is the room that needs to be kept clean the most. The food that is prepared here is meant to make and keep us healthy and a dirty refrigerator contaminated with mold and bacteria is definitely something that is unwanted.

Keeping an eye on the condition of your food in the refrigerator is important to make sure that your family stays healthy and while most of us lead fairly full and busy lives these days, it still needs to be done by someone. Take the time to clean out your refrigerator at least once every few months and take an inventory of what you need to replace often. Outdated items like jams and jellies, even if they have not started showing mold yet, should be thrown away if they have had the seal broken. Most items will be fine even if they are outdated as long as the seals on the jars have not been broken.

Fruits and vegetables that have become molded need to be thrown away before they can contaminate anything other fruits or vegetables nearby. Removing them from the plastic bags that you put them in then you purchased them at the store is also a good idea, since condensation from the bags can actually help mold start to grow.

Dense items that have little moisture in them are not good candidates for mold growth and if mold does grow on these items, like blocks of cheese or hard salami, you can cut around the molded areas and throw them away instead of throwing away the whole item. This cannot be done with slices of cheese, tubs of sour cream, jellies, jams, mayonnaise, and other heavily moist foods.

Cleaning out the inside of the refrigerator with the cleaning solution of your choosing is something you need to do regularly. Spills of liquid and food happen in it all the time and bacteria will feed on this. Take everything out and throw away everything outdated and those items that you no longer need. Clean off the bottoms of anything that you want to put back if they have anything on them, as well. You should also remove all the racks and shelves that you can and clean them in the sink before you put them back.

Inspecting the House For Mold

Going through your house and looking for mold is something that every homeowner should do at least two or three times a year, especially since mold can start growing in as little as 48 hours after the spores land on something they like. Killing the mold is not the only problem you will have to deal with if you find it; removing the mold from the property is something else to be concerned with, since dead mold spores can still cause allergic reactions in some people. Depending on the severity of the allergy, these reactions can be a simple case of sneezing or as severe as requiring hospitalization. You can take antihistamines to help combat this, but no one should take medication if they do not have to.

There are a few places in your house that you need to inspect regularly for mold growth. These are areas of the house that naturally have a lot of moisture and these include the kitchen, bathroom, laundry room, and the basement.

The basement is somewhat humid because of its underground location, but there are things that you can do to add unnecessary humidity to it. Some people use the basement as a laundry room as well and this is fine, but you need to make sure that the dryer is properly vented to the outside of the house. Having an exhaust fan in the room will also help get rid of some of the excess moisture. One thing that you should really avoid doing at all costs is hanging up laundry to dry without proper ventilation.

The bathroom is one of the worst areas for mold in the house and this is generally due to flawed waterproofing. This could be cracked tiles on the floor, missing areas of grout or caulking, or mold growing on the ceiling because the humidity in the room is too high. This can be corrected by having an exhaust fan installed, just like in the basement. In fact, having these fans in all moist rooms of the home is recommended and the chances for mold growth will be greatly reduced.

Something to avoid having in the bathroom or another moist area of the home is carpet. Mold loves to grow in carpet and once the padding underneath it is contaminated, it has to be taken up and thrown away, because it cannot be cleaned.

The kitchen is another area where the floor and ceiling are the most at risk. Try to seal up and cracks in the flooring and make sure there is an exhaust system over the stove to get rid of steam before it hits the ceiling.

Hardwood Deck Waterproofing

Every homeowner who has the space to build one in would love to have a fresh hardwood porch or one in the back to barbecue on, but those of us who already have one want to do whatever we can to protect it from the elements. Over the years your deck will suffer from different forms of precipitation and natural damage and protecting it from these is a little more difficult than from the regular wear and tear of feet running across it. Rain will cause the deck to crack and warp over time, but sealing it water tight with a chemical that can be purchased at almost any hardware or home improvement store will protect it for years to come.

The easiest way to protect your deck is by waterproofing it with a deck sealant, but you can do this yourself or hire someone to do it for you. Doing it yourself is not very difficult and you should be able to manage fine, so this is great for anyone who is on a budget, but if money is not a concern to you and your time is, hiring someone else may be the way to go.

If your deck is newly constructed, then you will want to wait at least 30 days before doing anything like this to the surface of it, since new lumber needs time to adjust to your climate and get rid of any oils and moisture that may already be inside it. If you want to put a stain on the deck, this is probably a good time to do it, since the sealant will prevent the deck from soaking up most liquids.

Clean everything off of the deck and scrub it before you do anything else, whether it’s applying the stain or the sealant. It needs to be as free of furniture, dirt, and other debris as possible. You can purchase a deck cleaning solution from your local hardware, home improvement, or department store and apply it yourself with a pump sprayer. Scrub it with a stiff bristled brush to get it as clean as you can and rinse it off with your water hose when you get finished. It is starting to look better already!

Follow the instructions on the deck sealant and this should include using a sprayer or a roller to apply it to the surface of the wood. You need to let it dry for a few days before walking on it, so start from the end of the deck furthest from a good entrance and work your way back.

Cleaning Up The Sewage From Your Home

Cleaning up the sewage in your home after it has been flooded is a pretty ugly experience, but unfortunately for some homeowners that live in parts of the United States where floods are common, it can be something that they have to go through at least once. While you can have a professional service clean up after the flood for you, you can save a substantial amount of money by doing a lot of it yourself. You can use this saved money to purchase new furniture, clothing, food, or anything else that you could need after the flood is over.

Flood waters can contain all kinds of things that can be hazardous to your health. This can include chemicals, sewage, soil, bacteria, viruses, and etcetera. These are things that you do not want to have in your home and doing your best to get them cleaned up, even if it means hiring a professional, is something you need to do. You need to purchase the protective equipment necessary to keep yourself from getting sick due to all the different things left behind by the water, but this will not be very much. You will need some latex gloves, a pair of plastic booties to cover your shoes, a roll of duct tape, and some disposable plastic coveralls. The duct tape will be used to cover the gaps between the gloves, the boots, and the suit so there is no way that the sewage can get to your skin.

There is not much that you can do to save all the furniture in your home after the flood is over. This is mainly upholstered furniture that has a lot of padding, though, so your wooden furniture should be fine. Padding in upholstered furniture will soak up the flood waters and everything that it contains, including soil, bacteria, and everything else. You can reupholster some items that have little padding and take this as an opportunity to replace fabrics that you do not care for any longer.

For the cleanup process, you will require at least two buckets, depending on whether you have someone help you clean up the rest of the house or not. Try to keep this at an even number, since you will need to work with the buckets in sets of two.

Take a mop and dip it into the bucket with the cleaning chemicals in it and begin scrubbing the floor. Scrub it thoroughly and dip the mop into the rinsing water. Do not put the mop back into the bucket with the cleaners until you rinse it first. You do not want to introduce sewage into the clean water.

Areas At Risk For Mold

If you own a home, then you have probably gone through your home looking for mold on at least one occasion and if you have not, then you really should think about doing this sometime soon. We have all heard about toxic mold on the news in one form or another and how harmful it can be to our health, but this is not the only issue with mold. Even if you manage to kill it, it can still cause allergic reactions in some people because the spores are still airborne and our bodies still recognize them as something they need to defend themselves against. Taking some antihistamine medication can help, but no one wants to take allergy medicine all the time if you really do not have to.

There are a number of signs that will show you that you should look for mold in different areas of your house, but you may not exactly know what you are supposed to be looking for. Go around your house and any room that is inherently moist should be scrutinized closely. Unless you have done a remodeling job recently and you have completely waterproofed the bathroom, then you should consider it as a possible breeding ground for mold. Other rooms that are inherently moist are the kitchen, laundry room, and the basement.

You should look for signs of moisture in the laundry room since it is likely to stay humid due to the amount of wet clothing and evaporating of water that stays in there all the time. Your dryer needs to be properly vented to the outside if it is not already, unless it is a ventless model. Always wash wet clothes as soon as possible and do not put dry clothes on top of them. You will most likely forget about them and they will mold after about 48 hours.

Your kitchen is another area that you should be concerned with. Areas around the sink and floor that are not waterproofed and even the ceiling should be suspect. The steam that comes off the stove when you cook damages the ceiling and can discolor it over time, so you should have an exhaust fan installed over the stove to help prevent this. These fans should also be put in other moist rooms of the house, especially the bathroom. This will keep you from having to repaint the ceiling as often as you would normally have to and even keep you from having to replace drywall.

mold, water, damage, restoration, sids, home, improvement, travel

Friday, January 25, 2008

Plan For Escaping a House Fire

Every household needs to have a plan to escape the house in the event of a fire, but most homes do not. Take this as an opportunity to develop your own fire escape plan by doing the following things.

Draw up a floor plan of your house the best that you can and mark all of the smoke alarms and each exit. Every member of your household should have at least two ways out of their bedroom, especially if they are on the upper floors. Store escape ladders in as many rooms on the upper floors of your home as you can so that no one is going to get stuck there. Having a fire escape installed onto the upper floor of your house, either in the form of ladders or stairs, can be very helpful and you can connect it to the upstairs hallway. Having it on the back of the house is the best idea, since you do not want it to affect the front of the house, but keeping the style of it consistent with the rest of the home is suggested. Even though the fire escape is a great safety feature and can raise the value of the home, if it clashes with the exterior of the house excessively, it might actually bring the value down.

If you live inside an apartment complex and it catches on fire, never use the elevator as a means of escape, since these can become stuck in the shaft and leave you with no way out. Apartment complexes also usually have fire alarms that you can activate outside of your unit, so you should make sure that you know where these are and how to use them.

All of the members of your household should meet at a certain place outside the residence during a fire, so there is no confusion as to whether anyone is still inside or not.

If you own your home and you have pets, you should make sure that there are ways for them to get out, too. You should not go back inside the house for pets or other belongings. Some pets may be considered members of the family and if you truly love them, have a dog or a cat door installed so they have at least one way to get out without your help.

Miami Water Damage Restoration and Miami,Boca Raton and Ft.Lauderdale water Damage Restoration Which are Certified IICRC Water damage and mold remediation contractors.

House Fire Preparation

A lot of people think a house fire cannot happen to them, but the fact is that house fires happen a lot more often than most people think, since a large number of fires go unreported. A simple spark is all it takes to set a room or the whole house ablaze and you lose not only everything you own, but also your loved ones.

Have fire extinguishers placed in different areas of the home, especially in the kitchen. My personal advice would be to have at least one on each end of the house and at least two on each floor, depending on the size of your home. Have as many as you feel comfortable with. Having smoke detectors in different areas of the house is also advised and you should have one on each end of the home so all your bases are covered. Make sure that the fire extinguishers that you purchase cover all kinds of fires, including wood, electrical, and chemical types. Everyone in your house should be taught how to use them correctly.

If you have other people living with you in a house, you need to have a plan. If the house catches on fire, every person should have a quick way out. The last thing you want is to be upstairs with no way to get downstairs because the fire is in the way. You need to make sure there is a way out by having some escape ladders on the upper floors on your home. If you can afford to have a fire escape installed without it clashing too much with the style of the home, do so.

Have a pre-determined meeting spot outside the home during the event of a fire. This could be under a certain tree or a certain area of the yard or just anywhere that your family members know how to get to quickly.

Keep anything outside your home that could fuel the fire away from it; this includes fire wood, dry leaves, and other flammable items. If a wood is being sawed in the basement or around the house for any reason, make sure you keep it cleaned up.

A fireproof safe is also one of the most important investments you could ever make. Use this to keep your valuables and important documents in so the fire will not affect them.

You could also benefit by doing a casual safety inspection of your home often. Make sure the lint is cleaned from the dryer, never smoke cigarettes or cigars while in the bed, be careful what you use extension cords for, and etcetera.

Miami Water Damage Restoration and Miami,Boca Raton and Ft.Lauderdale water Damage Restoration

Preventing House Fires

A fire in your home can start from a number of different sources and they can be avoided about 95 percent of the time. The cause of fires is usually due to human error, carelessness, or neglect, but this does not have to be the case in your home.

One of the most common types of house fire is electrical. This can result from living in a home whose electrical circuitry is not up to code because it is either outdated or damaged. If you purchase a home that is a fixer upper, the home inspection that you have should tell you whether the electrical circuitry in the home needs to be replaced. You should also be aware that electrical fires cannot be put out with water, you need to use a fire extinguisher.

Make sure that you install light bulbs that are the correct wattage for whatever fixture you put them in. Do not exceed the recommended wattage, since it could overheat and catch the shade on fire. You should also not leave light sockets empty, so replace the bulbs as soon as you can.

Candles are also a large cause of house fires and the last thing you should ever do is leave them unattended or near cloth items like drapes or somewhere that they can be easily overturned. They are known for their comforting ambiance and can make you fall asleep if you are not careful. Use a flashlight if you have to check out a burned out pilot light or anywhere near gas-powered items.

Grease fires are most common in the kitchen and you should never begin heating grease on the stove and leave it unattended. Getting preoccupied with the telephone, family members, or household chores is the worst thing that you could do. If a grease fire does start in your kitchen and it is confined to the space of the pan or skillet, smother it with a pot lid. If it starts underneath the burner due to neglecting to clean it out, you can use your fire extinguisher or baking soda, but baking soda may be more practical as long as the fire has not spread beyond the burner. If it does go beyond the burner or the stove itself, use the fire extinguisher or call 911.

Your fireplace can also obviously be a source of house fires. They should be inspected, since chimneys will become covered with creosote over time. This is a buildup caused by burning wood in the fireplace over the years and it needs to be cleaned regularly.

Causes of Fires in the Kitchen

You may not realize it, but a large portion of the house fires that occur are due to bad cooking practices. Research suggests that around 400,000 fires each year are due to this and there are a number of things that you can do to prevent this from happening while you are making your next meal.

The first thing you need to consider is what to wear while you are cooking. Wearing long sleeves that are loose can catch on fire faster than you can blink. Try to avoid storing necessary things over the stove like flour and other things you may require while cooking. You do not want to have to reach over a burner or other hot surface for anything.

Any grease or oil that you need to heat before you begin should be done so slowly and you should never leave it unattended. Do not allow yourself to become preoccupied with other household chores or with the telephone, since this can distract you from the most important thing that should be on your mind at that moment: the grease.

If you do have a grease fire in your kitchen, you have a few options to put it out. You can smother it with a pot lid if it is contained to a pan. If it spreads outside the pan, you can use either your fire extinguisher (every kitchen should have one of these) or baking soda. Baking soda can be used to put out small fires that can occur under stove burners due to grease.

Children should also not be allowed to play around the kitchen stove or other hot appliances, especially deep fryers, while they are in use.

Overloading power outlets is also a cause of fires in the kitchen and other areas of the house. You should not use extension cords with appliances that put out a lot of heat, like deep fryers and electric skillets.

One of the last things that you should remember is that if you have any doubt as to whether you can control the fire that has started, call 911! The worst mistake that you could make is trying to control a fire that you know you cannot. A small fire on the stove is one thing, but if it starts to spread beyond that, do not hesitate to call 911 to get immediate assistance.

Winter Fire Hazards

A house fire is one of the worst things that a person can go through for a number of reasons. They do not always end in complete disaster, though. Some house fires may take out just a room or a small section of one, but even still, it can be very unnerving and jar your sense of security for quite a while after it is already over.

Unfortunately, most fires are caused by human carelessness or neglect with electrical appliances, especially those that give off a large amount of heat. There are several of these items in the house, but the ones that pose the most threat are used during the winter to keep us warm.

The space heater is probably the most dangerous appliance used predominantly during the winter time. We use these little conveniences so often that we become comfortable with them and believe that nothing is going to go wrong, but if you leave one of these unattended or place it in the wrong place, disaster is never far away. You should never leave the house while one of these is on or use them while you are sleeping if you can help it. This is because most house fires happen when people are either sleeping or not at home. They also do not belong in the rooms of small children, because of the risk of burns and turning it over. Children’s rooms also tend to have many fabric items like blankets and stuffed animals that can catch on fire if put too close to it.

Another item used during the winter is the electric blanket and these can be almost as dangerous as space heaters, especially if you like to leave them on while you are sleeping under them. The last thing you want is to wake up in the middle of the night and your bed is on fire because you did not turn it off. Try to store these in areas where they will not be stepped on or become wet, because they are easily damaged.

One last thing used during the winter time, but does not put out much heat, are Christmas tree lights. If you leave the house or go to bed, turn these off. Keep your Christmas tree watered so that it does not dry out and become even more of a fire hazard than it already is.

Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Contractors 101, everything you need to know

When it comes to remodeling or building a home, many homeowners (or potential homeowners) will often go into the process with the misconception that hiring a contractor is the simplest of tasks, and can be done by anyone. However, hiring a contractor is one of the most, if not the most important tasks to accomplish when constructing or remodeling a home. It is probably a very bad idea to choose the first contractor you see in the phone book or see on TV. Instead, you should ask around and get references from various people you know who have hired contractors before so you can choose one that knows what he or she is doing.

The first thing you should do is to find around three contractors that you think may be best suited for the job. As previously stated, it is a very good idea to ask around, specifically relatives and friends and neighbors who have hired contractors for information on the contractors they have used and find out the praise and criticisms of each one. You should find out whether or not the contractors did a good job with the handling of specific jobs. Some of the most important jobs to ask about are dealing with water damage, any mold growth, or possibly fire damage. Water damage from a bad plumbing job is one of the most serious problems and causes of mold damage. Mold damage can be one thing that can kill the building of your home.

It is a very good idea that you show the building plans to the three contractors you have narrowed your search down to. This way you can help you get the individual perspective you like best. This can also help you evaluate each individual idea.

One of the most important things to do is do find out whether or not there are any lawsuits being filed against the potential contractors that they may be trying to hide. The contractor that you choose should either supply you with or should tell you where to obtain copies of all insurance policies for your own records. And speaking of insurance, it is important that you make sure that the contractor you choose has insurance.

It is very important that you outline everything that you expect the contractor to do during the job in the contract that you have them sign. It should include information such as the starting date, and end date. It’s also a good idea to offer a bonus for early, but careful, completion of the job as an incentive.